Vocify’s solution – “CA 1”

After 10 years of development, in collaboration with Sweden’s largest universities and other international agencies, Vocify has completed its development of the 4th generation electronic nose.

  • Validated by the milk industry

Vocify has during the past 5 years developed a solution for the milk industry.
This project was completed in collaborations with Sweden’s top 3 universities and veterinarian institutes. The collection and preparation of the sample data was done with Sweden’s largest milk robot producer.

To date, Vocify has achieved an accuracy of over 95% for the 3 diseases resulting in the highest volume of discarded milk. These diseases are Mastitis, E-Coli and Metritis. This solution can be integrated into milk robots allowing farmers to gain more control over their animals health. This in turn mitigates the volume of discarded milk and fatalities due to untreated diseases.

Vocify has successfully managed to detect these diseases by smelling the odor released from the cows skin. Vocify is able to detect these diseases on day 1 of infection allowing farmers to take necessary actions in the diseases earliest stage.

The ability to detect diseases from odors emitted from the skin/breath is applicable in many fields and not only limited to milk cows. With the “CA1” Vocify is able to detect multiple forms of Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Tuberculosis and much more!